There are quite a few types of air-conditioners, each with a different sound effect and design that differ from brand to brand. But let’s try one more example. |
When you open the hood of a car, it’s either gas or diesel engines, depending on the direction of the car.
But, when it’s your air conditioning, you put on your air-condition and start working on it.
So far so good, you know that every new air-conditioner has a different design, it needs to cool the car, but what exactly is an air conditioner?
There are three major types of air conditioners.
The automatic air conditioner
This type of air-conditioner is effectively an electronic box which makes both the engine and the outdoor spaces air-conditioned all by themselves. It’s the head of an air-conditioning system.
This type of air-conditioner is very efficient and a good way to save money. Also, it’s been widely adopted by many countries.
You can also buy a single unit and connect the remote to it with the remote. It all works on its own, taking over the work of the opening, or closing, for turning your air conditioning on or off.
The central air conditioner
This is one of the most common and easy ways to cool your car.
If you’re looking to buy a central air-conditioner, it’s very useful to do your homework so you can see if you’re getting the best results by buying this type of air-conditioner.
car aircon specialis |
Think about how your car is driven. Will your car fit on the central unit? The difference is that central air-conditioners usually have 3 or 4 outlets, while the ones that don’t have central air-condition systems tend to only have 2 or 3 outlets.
These central air-conditioners can also be almost half the size of the electric ones.
A central air-conditioner is also the most efficient type of air-conditioner because it will use approximately half the energy that an electric unit would.
The compressor
This is one of the most popular types of air-conditioner, as it turns your air conditioner’s compressor on, turns off the air-condition machine in your car.
Even the air conditioning evaporator on the central air conditioner will turn it off when it's running, to avoid setting the air-condition machine too high.
A compressor also works to keep your car cool even after you step on the brake or start driving. The head of a compressor will let the air out while the engine runs up.
A compressor is the best possible way to minimize the amount of oil that the car requires during its operation. If the car's engine runs up a lot of oil, then the engine will stall.
The warm air conditioner
If you own a hybrid car, the car and its air-conditioner are one big machine.
When you step into your car, and away from the central engine, you move around a lot and manually turn the central air-conditioning system, as the compressor doesn’t start automatically.
Then, you turn on the car’s heating and AC and start baking under the air-conditioning, before leaving your car running in reverse.
A good car air-conditioner has two coolers on the left and right sides of the motor, and a central water heater that will keep them cool, indoor air circulating through your car.
car aircon specialis |
When you leave your car running for a long time, you lose a lot of heat. On the other hand, a good air-conditioner that doesn’t give too much heat to the engine can only take a matter of minutes.
And, there are several more types of air-conditioners out there, each with their flow rate, fan speed, environmental protection, surge sensing, need capacity, and many more.
Air-conditioners are the most important part of a car to have. And they are a necessity for our cars.