Facebook Touch can be used on both your phone and computer to log in to your Facebook account. This process differs slightly from using the Facebook app or using your username and password on Facebook, but you’ll get used to it in no time. Here’s how to use Facebook Touch to login to your account on either device
What's Facebook Touch?
Facebook introduced Facebook Touch in 2011. If you have an Android device, you can access your Facebook messages and notifications without having to log into your Facebook account on a mobile browser. Before accessing Facebook via touch, you must have a Facebook login ID and password set up for your device; if not, open your Google Play app store and search for Facebook then save and install it for free. Once installed, follow these instructions to login using Facebook Touch Tap on Facebook Messenger. A new window will appear asking for your Facebook login information (your email address and password). Type them in, then tap Sign In. You’ll be brought to a new page that asks whether or not you want to enable Facebook Touch. Tap Yes, I’m in! (if you already have a Facebook account) or tap Get Started (if you don’t yet have one). Enter all of your contact information so that people can easily get in touch with you through Facebook messaging. When you’re done, tap Next. Congratulations! You are now ready to use Facebook Touch Login to sign into your Facebook account! To start chatting with friends, family members and coworkers about important things like how cute your cat is or how bad traffic was today, simply go back to Facebook Messenger. This is also where you can access Facebook chat heads if you have saved Facebook Home. From here, click on your profile picture at the top right corner of your screen to enter chat mode and begin talking with friends. Happy chatting! #FBtouch facebook-touch-login facebook-touch facebook touch hd facebook login hd facebook hd touch youtube fb facebook youtube Title: How to Use Facebook Touch: Easy Steps For Accessing Facebook Messages Without Opening a Browser
Setting Up Facebook Touch
There are two ways to set up your mobile device for use with Facebook. The first is by saving a specific app designed for touch access. To save, open your App Store and search facebook touch. While there are many apps that claim they can be used with Facebook, only a few of them will actually work properly—the rest contain viruses or malicious coding. Ensure you save FaceBook Touch rather than an alternative (such as Touch FB or something similar). If you have an Android device, also make sure that you're saving version 6 or higher of FaceBook Touch. Older versions of FaceBook Touch don't work with most devices, so be sure not to get stuck with one of those! Once you've saved FaceBook Touch, give it a try! You'll need to log in using your username and password, but once you do you'll see how easy it is to navigate around. It may take some time to get used to how everything works on FaceBook Touch, but once you do it's a breeze! You can even use FaceBook Touch on your computer if you'd like; just go here. Be aware that if you choose to log in from a computer instead of from your phone or tablet, some features won't be available (like posting pictures or writing on friends' walls). So choose wisely when deciding where and how often you want to log in. You can always switch between devices at any time if needed. Now that everything's set up correctly and ready for use, what next? Well, now you can start using Facebook Touch on your phone! Just follow these steps: Open FaceBook Touch. Enter your username and password into the appropriate fields. Tap Log In. Select what type of account you would like to log into. Tap Continue. Wait for a moment while FaceBook Touch logs in to your account. Congratulations! You've successfully logged into Facebook via FaceBook Touch! Now that you know how easy it is to use Facebook via touch screen technology, why not spread the word? Tell all of your friends about what they're missing out on—they'll thank you later :) And feel free to post questions below if anything comes up while setting things up—we'd love to help however we can!
Using a Mobile Device to Enter your Password
Facebook open-sourced a JavaScript library called Touch that’s designed to make mobile sign-ins easier. Touch is currently available for Android and iOS, but developers can bring support for it to other platforms as well. Just register your app on Facebook's developer portal and follow their instructions for integrating Touch into your code. Then, you'll be able to use it on either an Android or iOS device. It may take some time before Facebook opens up Touch to all developers, so in the meantime, you can use traditional methods of logging in with a password. However, if you're just looking to test out Facebook Touch login and aren't concerned about security, you can always give it a try using your browser on any platform. And, if you have an iPhone or iPad and don't mind jailbreaking your device, there are also Facebook Touch apps available in Cydia (an alternative App Store). For more information on how to set up a Facebook Touch login visit Facebook's documentation page.
Using the App on your PC (Not Yet Available as of 2017)
Facebook has created a new app for PC (Windows) users that allows you to log in and visit Facebook through a single site, just like it is on your phone. Called Facebook Touch, when using it you’ll get all of Facebook’s mobile features such as chat heads and full-screen mode. If you can see a window with Facebook content on your computer, click inside of it or move your mouse there. Then click or tap on either facebook open login or touch HD Facebook sign in. You'll be redirected to another website where you can choose which email address/account you want to use. Type in your information and follow along with each prompt until it lets you select which account/email address that matches yours! This will allow you to continue using Facebook from your desktop. From now on, whenever you log in from your computer, Facebook Touch will open instead of Facebook itself. If at any time you would like to go back to logging into Facebook normally (instead of through Facebook Touch), simply repeat these steps but instead click or tap facebook touch hd login. When prompted, enter your username and password as usual. Note: Currently (as of 2017), Facebook doesn't allow you to use Facebook Touch if you are logged into an account that isn't associated with a mobile device. For example, if you're logged in to Facebook on your iPad or iPhone and then try to use Facebook Touch, it won't work. To get around this issue while still being able to use Facebook Touch, create a new account before attempting to login again. To do so, after trying facebook touch login, type in Facebook open sign up , then fill out all of the required fields when prompted. Once you've done so, proceed with step 2 above by typing in facebook touch hd login.
Pros and Cons of using FB Touch Login
Pros & Cons of using Facebook touch login. Facebook touch login lets you log in using only your touchID, instead of typing a password, or uploading your picture as an avatar. You can still choose either option, but using FB touch login will give you even more security when you access your account on a new device or browser. There’s not much difference between facebook touch and normal facebook login. It’s simply a different way to log in that requires a fingerprint scan for authentication (i.e., no other information about you is required). Unfortunately, users have reported being prompted for their Facebook password at random times on both iOS and Android devices after first setting up FB Touch Login. Some people say they were able to fix it by logging out and back into Facebook; others were never able to get it working again. The cause of these issues are unknown, but Facebook has acknowledged them and is working on fixes for future versions of FB Touch Login. The biggest benefit to using facebook touch login is its convenience—you don't need to type anything or remember anything! And because most people use Facebook from multiple devices, having one less password to remember could be a huge time-saver. Facebook Touch login also offers more security than traditional Facebook login because it doesn't require you to upload any pictures or biometric data like fingerprints. However, there's a chance that if someone gets hold of your phone and tries to log in with Facebook Touch Login, they might be able to reset your password without knowing what it was originally. So if someone steals your phone, make sure you change all of your passwords immediately! If you want even more control over who can see what parts of your profile, try using Facebook's privacy settings before choosing facebook touch login as an alternative method for logging in.